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Handritahús / A shrine for the manuscripts

Handritahúsið var gert fyrir sýninguna „Lífsblómið" sem haldin var í Listasafni Íslands í tilefni 100 ára afmælis fullveldis Íslands, en titill sýningarinnar var sóttur í skáldsögu Halldórs Laxness „Sjálfstætt fólk", er gerist á þeim tíma er Ísland varð fullvalda ríki.

Stofnun Árna Magnússonar í íslenskum fræðum, Þjóðskjalasafn Íslands og Listasafn Íslands stóðu að sýningunni. Handrit, skjöl og myndlistaverk frá þessum stofnunum, en einnig einkaaðilum og öðrum stofnunum voru uppistaðan í sýningunni. Til að veita innsýn í íslenska menningu, sjálfsmynd þjóðar og sjálfstæðisbaráttu var myndlist ásamt ýmsum sögulegum heimildum teflt saman umhverfis hús eða skrin í miðju sýningarinnar, sem hýsti þjóðargersemar Íslendinga, handritin. 

Sýningarstjóri var Sigrún Alba Sigurðardóttir.

Hönnuðir sýningarinnar voru Snæfríð Þorsteins, Hrefna Björg Þorsteinsdóttir og Hólmfríður Ósmann Jónsdóttir.


The exhibition Blossoming at the National Gallery of Iceland was about Iceland’s 100 years as a sovereign state and invited visitors to engage in a conversation with the past. The exhibition title references Halldór Laxness’s novel "Independent People" and, like that work, the exhibition did explore the yearning for independence.

The exhibition was organized by the Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies, the National Archives of Iceland and the National Gallery of Iceland. Manuscripts, documents and works of art from these institutions, but also from private individuals and other institutions were the mainstay of the exhibition. To provide insight into Icelandic culture, the nation's identity and the struggle for independence, art and various historical sources were put together around a shrine in the center of the exhibition that housed the manuscripts, the national treasure of Iceland.

The curator of the exhibition was Sigrún Alba Sigurðardóttir.

The designers of the exhibition were Snæfríð Þorsteins, Hrefna Björg Þorsteinsdóttir and Hólmfríður Ósmann Jónsdóttir.

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