Þjónustuhús í Nauthólsvík / Service centre in Nauthólsvík
Húsið var tekið í notkun í júní 2001. Teiknistofan var valin úr hópi umsækjenda í forvali á vegum Borgarverkfræðingsins í Reykjavík. Verkefnið var tilnefnt til Mies van der Rohe, evrópsku arkitektaverðlaunanna og Menningarverðlauna DV.
Meginhugmyndin að þjónustuhúsinu felur í sér að vinna með hæðarmuninn á milli strandar og göngustígs og fella þannig húsið inn í Fossvogsbakkann. Þar með myndast bein tengsl við ströndina um leið og þak hússins verður áningar- og útsýnisstaður fyrir þá sem eiga leið um stíginn. Byggingin lætur lítið yfir sér í landinu. Yfirbragð hennar er mismunandi frá vetri til sumars, annars vegar lokað með stórum tréhlerum eða opið út að ströndinni og minnir þá meira á skýli en byggingu.
Contemporary Icelandic architecture has been making a fascinating journey in recent years, searching for an architectural language that is in harmony with the harsh and beautiful landscape of the volcanic island, a landscape that is unique in Europe.
The Service Centre in Nautholsvik is the first completed building by the young Icelandic practice Arkibúllan. Since launching the practice in the mid-1990s the partners have won prizes in five architectural competitions. The Nautholsvik site presented several problems. It is situated on a man-made beach, with white sand imported from abroad, and geothermal water is used to heat the surrounding sea, making it warm enough to swim in.
It is a popular spot with the people of Reykjavík during the summer, but in winter the climate makes it inhospitable. Thus the facility had to be open and welcoming to the many thousands of visitors, as well as hardy enough to withstand the harsh weather conditions of the north-Atlantic winter.
The architects have created an L-shaped building, which is dug into the hillside and thus protected from the elements. The roof forms a verandah for summer promenading, and the facade can be opened, with a family area in front. A small hot tub also provides a safe environment in which children can play.

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